Sunday, July 8, 2012

Minnesota Visit Easter 2012

Ginny had so much fun with this toy.  I forgot it's name though.  

Liam and his Aunt Malorie

They love their mama..

So Much

Liam's butterfly kisses

Greg got a kindle fire for his birthday He was quite excited.

Ginny just saw a PUPPY and was "woofing" at it.

The huge adarandak chair that was on the side of the road.

Did I mention it was huge?  That is Greg my very tall brother standing up on the seat with the back of the chair a good 4 feet above him.  

Natural Spring water.

Everyone wanted a taste.

It was delicious.

Miss Alice in Wonderland with her wand of course.

I think he's planking

Alice playing us a delicate song.

Opps I put this in upside down....or did I?

This was Sarah's face when she heard that her FAVORITE sister-in-law would be visiting.  Aww Sarah, you are too sweet!  Sarah was very pampering doing my stay fixing me all of my meals which included SNACK TIME!!  I even got to enjoy nap time! 

Liam and Ginny gathering food for the Easter Bunny.

Liam's Easter Bunny is going to be spoiled.

Dying Easter Eggs.

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So many toys!  I only got candy when I was little.

Liam is excited I'm here.  Ginny is a little worried
Lego Helicoptor and Robot in Mall of America.

In real life Hello Kitty is larger than Ginny
Light Rail time.  Ginny was holding on tight. 
This was the highlight of the visit for Liam.  It is an understatement to say that Liam was excited about the Light Rail.
Ginny loves me now that I kept her safe on the Light Rail.  :)
Check out the Tracks!!  I had the best time in Minnesota.  I can't wait to visit them in Chicago!

1 comment:

  1. Love the photos! I'm so glad you visited while they were there.

    By the way...swim suit, pool toys and much your Easter basket. Although you did have to walk uphill...both ways... to find it
