Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Community Service


Thursday, November 3, 2011 - 5:07pm
Dental hygiene students Fouzia Mohammad (left) and Cornelia Gagos demonstrate larger-than-life flossing at a health fair in Spring ISD.
Dental hygiene students Fouzia Mohammad (left) and Cornelia Gagos demonstrate larger-than-life flossing at a health fair in Spring ISD.
Dental hygiene students of The University of Texas School of Dentistry have participated in multiple community projects this fall to promote preventive oral care and the dental hygiene profession.
At the annual session of student chapters of the American Dental Hygienists Association in San Marcos, the students packaged hygiene kits for the homeless shelters. In September, second-year dental hygiene students Katherine George and Jeffrey Chendelivered more than 100 kits to the Star of Hope Mission, a facility dedicated helping homeless men, women and children in the Houston area.
In October, first-year dental hygiene students Fouzia Mohammad and Cornelia Gagos participated in a health fair at Clark Intermediate School in Spring ISD. The fair drew approximately 200 children ages 4 to 13. The UTSD students taught many of them the proper way to brush, floss and to identify good and bad foods and snacks for their teeth.
UTSD students were among volunteers for Sealant Day at the San Jose Clinic in Houston. They are pictured with dental hygiene students from Houston Community College, and local registered dental hygienists.
UTSD students were among volunteers for Sealant Day at the San Jose Clinic in Houston. They are pictured with dental hygiene students from Houston Community College, and local registered dental hygienists.
The second vice president of the Greater Houston Dental Hygienists’ Society, Malorie Okuhara, RDH, oversaw the students and worked with the school nurse, Tyria Adams, at Clark Intermediate. Adams thanked the dental hygiene students for their contributions, saying they “really made a difference and an impact on (our) students and community.” 
Dental hygiene students also were invited to participate in Sealant Day at San José Clinic, a charity clinic in Houston, where the students helped provide dental care for 68 uninsured children from low-income families. They were provided with oral hygiene instructions, sealants and fluoride varnish applications. Dental hygiene students in attendance included Fouzia Mohammad, Bichvan Nguyen,Reyna Garcia, Chand Singh, Reshmaa Joseph, Tonja Calhoun Mason and Maria Ibarra-Pena.

Sunday, July 8, 2012

Minnesota Visit Easter 2012

Ginny had so much fun with this toy.  I forgot it's name though.  

Liam and his Aunt Malorie

They love their mama..

So Much

Liam's butterfly kisses

Greg got a kindle fire for his birthday He was quite excited.

Ginny just saw a PUPPY and was "woofing" at it.

The huge adarandak chair that was on the side of the road.

Did I mention it was huge?  That is Greg my very tall brother standing up on the seat with the back of the chair a good 4 feet above him.  

Natural Spring water.

Everyone wanted a taste.

It was delicious.

Miss Alice in Wonderland with her wand of course.

I think he's planking

Alice playing us a delicate song.

Opps I put this in upside down....or did I?

This was Sarah's face when she heard that her FAVORITE sister-in-law would be visiting.  Aww Sarah, you are too sweet!  Sarah was very pampering doing my stay fixing me all of my meals which included SNACK TIME!!  I even got to enjoy nap time! 

Liam and Ginny gathering food for the Easter Bunny.

Liam's Easter Bunny is going to be spoiled.

Dying Easter Eggs.

Add caption

So many toys!  I only got candy when I was little.

Liam is excited I'm here.  Ginny is a little worried
Lego Helicoptor and Robot in Mall of America.

In real life Hello Kitty is larger than Ginny
Light Rail time.  Ginny was holding on tight. 
This was the highlight of the visit for Liam.  It is an understatement to say that Liam was excited about the Light Rail.
Ginny loves me now that I kept her safe on the Light Rail.  :)
Check out the Tracks!!  I had the best time in Minnesota.  I can't wait to visit them in Chicago!

Liam's 4th Birthday Party in Gonzales

It appears as though Jeramiah is falling off the couch while eric is sleeping but they are actually playing.  Funny shot though.

The cousins were playing cut the rop on my phone before the party.

The Robot Cake!  I believe Jessica baked it and Christine (Liam's God mother)  decorated it. 

Robot veggie/fruit dish

Liam helped make these.  He had so much fun and enjoyed going out of the box by adding 1 or 2 extra arms.

This was the Train Track game.

This game involved someone trapped in a tent in the middle and the remaining kids ran around throwing balls through hula hoops

Precious Father Daughter moment with Greg and Ginny

I couldn't choose which one to post.

The Mabile's with their Godparents.

Family Picture opportunity!   minus Zach :(.  Side note I vaguely remember last time all of the kids got together for one of these pictures Ryan was there but not in all of the pictures and I remember him saying "would this be a bad time to propose?"   Well Ryan, it looks like you finally made it into a family picture.  Welcome!

Mommy!  and family

Paw with the Grandchildren

Man, it's hard to get a good picture when none of kids look at the same time.

Ahh, much better!

Just Kidding.  I love my babies!!!

Ginny taking a walk with Paw.

If only I could eat this constantly.

 Cousins gathered around to watch Liam open presents.

Wow, look at those awesome New Mexican maracas that he can instantly play with the second he unwraps it.  What a great gift.  That must have been from his thoughtful Aunt Malorie. 

Paw Attack

Let's see what this is all about. Seriously contemplating his new Transformer.

Ginny and her Godmother.  What Cuties!