Saturday, November 20, 2010

Elijah comes to stay with his god mother

After spending the first night at Nanny Malorie's house we went to the bagel shop with Nana Becca and Mrs. Addey. Yay, he got chocolate milk.
Then we read 101 dalmations at the bagel shop
After Nanny Mal got back from work we went to the park with Liam and Aunt Sarah.

You go Liam!
They went to say Hi to the ducks, but then it was getting too cold so we went home.
That night we all (Nanny Mal, Zach, Elijah, Greg, Sarah, Liam, Pa, and Rosie) went to a Habachi Grill. The show was so much fun. The chef would say "watch out for your eyebrows" before he would do fire and Liam covered his eyebrows. It was precious.

They gave Elijah water with a strawberry decoration on top

The next day Elijah got dressed up in his Peter Pan costume that Jessica made and headed off to the Renaissance Festival. Elijah went all the way to Germany to get that shield and sword.

We went through a Dragon cave because he had to slay a dragon since he had a sword.
Elijah trying on some claws. (probably plotting to get back at Tara for stepping on him with her claws)

Then there was horrific sword fight. Uncle Zach was merciless. Elijah failed to shield himself in time.

Here is a look at the damage up close. Looks like the sword got lodged in his cheek!
(and yes as in all battles he had glitter sprinkled on him)
In order to make up for the brutal beating he got. Zach let him ride the merri-go-round
Don't worry, he didn't bleed out, he just conked out.

Monday, November 1, 2010

Mr and Mrs Wisinger!!!

Claire and John leaving the church.
Nice red Mercedez!
The beautiful bouquet
Gorgeous decorations at the Tuscany restaurant at The Marriott.
(yes, it's the one Greg works at, but he was up north at the time)

The Crew adults at the reception

John and Claire with their present from the Crew
John and the crew (left to right: John, Julio, Kiersten, Raechel, Joey
The Crew enjoying the bubble wrap their present came in :)

John and Claire,
We wish you the most happiness in you marriage.
We hope to see you both on the camping trip in January!

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Crew 204's Lemonade Stand Fundraiser

Crew 204 had a both at a plant sale. Some of us worked at our lemonade stand to raise money for our Crew and others helped volunteer. The boys helped load fertilizer and such into cars. I was a "Plant Wrangler". I pulled red wagons full of plants to peoples cars for them. We were very happy to have raised over $100!!
I took a few pictures of the pretty flowers.

The next two will actually attract butterflies :)

Mom and Kehns come to visit

Hanging out at mom's house. We were watching movies on the big T.V. without a couch. Behind them you'll see what Nana was really up to....Homework!! what a good student.

Klaus and Elijah in Nana's kitchen

Family dinner at the Mootz's house.
Klaus was interested in my shoes. I hope they didn't smell too bad. He actually walked really well in them for a while before investigating the smell.
Klaus enjoyed the center piece at the Mootz's. He enjoyed blowing out the candles just like Liam does every Wednesday.
Some one doesn't need a V8. Very studious Nana finishing up her homework.
Both Kehn boys were being good eaters!
We went to a symphony at the pavilion with the Kehns, the Mabiles, Nana, Zach and I. They were performing the planets. Elijah thought the music was scary. Elijah must have been confused and thought he was going to a heavy metal concert with those tattoos on his shoulders. They say mom and then nana. Uncle Zach was the artist. Keep in mind it was pretty dark out there.

This is when Elijah told me that him and Zach were best buds. That's why they sat on the same side of the table at double daves.

Family Weekend at the Kehns

We went to eat at the coffee house and went to see the aligator

And look who crawled out of the pond to say creepy....they normally don't even move if we see them at all.

The boys were playing outside on the bikes.
My three nephews how cute!